Microsoft Azure

For most of the stuff, you do not need to open any incoming ports. – Igorek Feb 7 '12 at 21:49 I don't think it's necessary to open 9354 for service bus, since the service bus will try to connect over tcp (9354), if failed it will use http (80), which I believe your IT will not block 80 and 443. Extend your Microsoft Azure Virtual Network to remote users and other sites using OpenVPN Access Server VPN. If you mean strictly VPN then these ports should be opened: TCP/47 GRE, TCP/1723 for PPTP, TCP/1701 for L2TP and TCP-UDP/500 for ISAKMP, CISCO etc (only in case of using L2TP) Jun 14, 2020 · The AzireVPN server network is much smaller than other VPN services, but they also have very strict standards for server selection, with all locations running on premium hardware with high-capacity bandwidth channels. Similar to OVPN above, AzireVPN supports WireGuard through the official WireGuard clients.

May 25, 2020 · In addition, all of the ports are open and there is no censorship since there are no ISP restrictions. You can visit the sites and services you want without worry, and while being anonymous. They offer the best encryption available with TLS auth and AES-256, as well as full IPv6 support.

Extend your Microsoft Azure Virtual Network to remote users and other sites using OpenVPN Access Server VPN. Firewall Ports Required to Join AD Domain - AventisTech Mar 16, 2020 Azure ports required? - Stack Overflow

How to Setup Windows 10 Firewall for L2TP/IPSec

For an automated rollout of configuration, AzireVPN will create a private key in your browser and send the public key via an API call to their servers. To get a configuration login to your account. Via Options you can select the country where you want to break out, choose a port (default ist fine), and set the protocol to tunnel (we only cover vpn - How to forward ports for azure virtual network I have created Point to site vpn using azure virtual network. Right now I have 2 vms in vnet (with subnet ip's 10.x.x.x) 1 local machine connected to vnet with point to site vpn (ip 172.x.x.x) I WireGuard VPN: Secure and Fast, But Bad for Privacy? Jun 14, 2020 OpenVPN based Site-to-Site VPN between Azure and pfSense Feb 10, 2017